Posts Tagged ‘capitalism’

Carrying on from my previous post where I discussed issues of concern regarding the development of a wind farm on “Crook Hill“, an area of outstanding natural beauty over looking Littleborough and Rochdale, I pick up on a few new developments.

In an article printed in the Lancashire Telegraph (Saturday 14th July 2012) it transpires that Rossendale Council have made a “controversial decision” at a Council meeting held on July 11th regarding the continuing development of the Crook Hill wind-farm by Coronation Power. The decision by the council was to “vote in favour of a proposed wind-farm” [Crook Hill] following an additional payment of more than £100,000 agreed by Coronation Power. A decision that can only be described as an egregious act of authority.

Due to the very nature of the business one would have thought that the council would have at least attempted to involve the community more? Unless they [council members] realised that any such action could be construed  as a “Trojan horse”.

The payment as described in the council document is for “Land Access Rights” and is in addition to an already agreed payment of £50k going to a local primary school and other “renewable energy projects”.

Whilst on the face of it there appears some sincerity from the council in justifying their actions, the residents within the local communities have in my opinion been treated as mushrooms.

So not only have Rossendale Council facilitated the destruction of this green and pleasant land, and the ecology of the surrounding area, they have taken tax payers money to soften the blow.

I do not believe this £100k has come out of Coronation Power’s pocket, but from all the Government subsidies they have taken to develop this “green”, renewable energy.

So I have contributed to this capitalist softner…

I have lost all faith in my local council now, and wish I had the time and means to do something about it.

In a previous “Letter from Shawforth” I discussed a few issues of concern relating to the development of a wind farm on “Crook Hill“, an area of outstanding natural beauty over looking Littleborough and Rochdale. I optimistically, rather foolishly, hoped that I would be able to report that local opinion had been strong enough to over turn this act of wanton destruction in the name of “green” energy; however, this was not so.

Writing objectively on such an emotive subject is difficult when you live in an affected area that; anything forced up on you will stir up the rebellious side with in.

The arguments put forward supporting the use of “on-shore” wind turbines as efficient, green, alternative means of producing energy have yet to have me convinced in their favour. My informed opinion taken from the information omitted from the reports and statistics produced on wind farms, rather than the information that has been written. This lack of evidence in its self out-weighs what could be said for the evidence against wind farms.

So it is with regret, that I have to report that the wind farm is going ahead; with destruction of the natural environment developed and improved over many years.

The natural water table, natural springs and soil pH (measure of soil acidity or basicity) will be grossly affected by the tons of concrete required to secure the existing mine shafts and lanes. The landscape destroyed to widen access routes for the transport vehicles: houses that have stood a hundred years or more on shallow foundations run the risk of being shaken to their core. Whilst our taxes are used to subsidise the companies making the equipment: in the name of “capitalism”, lining the pockets of the “fat cats”, and paying dividends to the share holders who are oblivious.

How green was my valley…?